How Long Does an Air Conditioning System Last? - An Expert's Guide

Modern air conditioning systems can last between 10 and 20 years, depending on several factors. Upgrading to a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is one of the most important purchases a person is likely to make in the course of their home purchase. But how do you know when it's time to replace your old heating and cooling system? How often should an oven be replaced? Is it worth doing a tune-up? Let's take a look at the average life expectancy of furnaces, boilers, air conditioning systems and more. No HVAC technician will be able to tell you with 100% certainty how long a given furnace or air conditioning unit will last.

However, what we can do is provide an average lifespan and explain what you can do to maximize the lifespan of your system. As many homeowners would agree, there's a pretty big difference between having your HVAC last 10 years and 20 years. So how can you get the most out of your heating and cooling? Being aware of these simple checklist items will help you avoid costly heating or air conditioning repairs, make your HVAC equipment last longer, and help you feel comfortable all year round. Well, if your HVAC system has five or more years of expected lifespan, or if repair costs are less than 50% of the cost of a new system, boiler or air conditioning repair may be the most economical option.

How can you tell for sure if your boiler is running low or you simply need HVAC service? Contact Princeton Air's HVAC Professionals. From furnaces, boilers and heat pumps to water heaters, we offer installation, repair and maintenance services, and expert advice on the best way to make your home comfortable. We can even install hybrid heat pump systems that take advantage of both the furnace and the heat pump to maximize your savings and convenience. Air conditioners can last 10 to 15 years with average use and good maintenance.

They usually fail before heat-producing components because moisture passes through the system and is expelled. The chemicals used in the system to cool and dehumidify the air, as well as the chemicals extracted through the system from your home's building materials, are corrosive to the copper elements of the condenser; these can cause them to erode and decay. The size of the unit doesn't affect the lifespan of the air conditioner, unless it's not the right size for your home. For example, if you have a small 1.5 ton air conditioner trying to cool a house and you really need a 5 ton air conditioner, the unit will break down much faster due to overuse than a properly sized (but more expensive) unit.

You can configure your smart controller to maintain a specific temperature or humidity range, and once reached, the use of air conditioning is gradually reduced. With a smart controller for your air conditioner, you can monitor, manage and control your air conditioner with your smartphone, no matter where you are, as long as you have Wi-Fi. Changing filters regularly (more often if you have pets or live in a dry, dusty area), keeping thermostats clean and dust-free, and regularly vacuuming vents and exhaust fumes or air returns allow the system to do its job more easily. Annual maintenance can prevent replacement for several years, but technician visits aren't cheap either.

The use of air conditioning can be optimized by using the air conditioner in conjunction with other appliances, such as ceiling fans. Keep in mind that the lifespan of your air conditioner depends on how much you use it, the local climate, the type of air conditioner you have, and whether your home is well insulated and sealed. Air conditioners are best maintained in early spring; ovens are best cared for in early fall, before the weather cools down. If you suspect something is wrong with your air conditioner and you haven't had it examined by a professional, do it before you decide to replace it.

However, small problems become big ones, so those little rattles and nonsense ignored for too long can turn into disasters that require major and expensive repairs or replacements. If a family keeps their thermostat at 70° F throughout the summer, that air conditioning system is likely to operate much more frequently than the family across the street that keeps their thermostat at 78° F. You may not think about the average life of the air conditioning unit at the time of installation but this can significantly affect its lifespan. On the other hand, if you skip maintenance programs, the average life of your air conditioning unit can decrease considerably.

All of this ensures that the air conditioner is not working at its best and therefore increases its average life.

Audra Billus
Audra Billus

Award-winning twitter advocate. Incurable music maven. Professional twitter lover. Unapologetic pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble reader.

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